1. Getting a list of proxies
Basic Information
POST /api/proxyInfo/page
Interface description: Queries information about added proxies. The MoreLogin application needs to be updated to version 2.9.0 and above.
Request Parameters
Body parameter, non-mandatory parameters can not be passed, the format of the parameter is JSON.
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | integer(int64) | NO | Proxy ID to be queried |
isCloudPhoneProxy | boolean | NO | Whether it is a proxy that can be used by the cloud phone profile true: yes; false: no |
pageNo | integer(int64) | NO | Current page, default: 1 |
pageSize | integer(int64) | NO | Number of articles per page, default: 10 |
proxyCategoryType | integer(int32) | NO | Query by proxy type 1: Cloud platform; 2: Own IP |
proxyCheckStatus | integer(int32) | NO | Query by detection status 0: pending detection, 1: successful detection, 2: failed detection, 3: unknown error |
proxyIp | string | NO | Proxy IP |
proxyName | string | NO | Query by proxy name, support fuzzy search |
proxyProviders | array | NO | Query by proxy provider 0: None, 4: Oxylabs, 5: Proxys.io, 7: Luminati, 8: Lumauto, 9: Oxylabsauto, 10: Trojan, 11: Shadowsocks, 13: ABCPROXY, 14: LunaProxy. 15: IPHTML, 16: PiaProxy, 17: 922S5 Default: 0 |
proxyStatus | integer(int32) | NO | Query by proxy status 0: Normal , 1: Pending assignment , 2: Upgrading , 3: Expired , 4: Expiring soon |
proxyTypes | array | NO | Query by proxy type 0: http, 1: https, 2: socks5, 3: ssh |
Example of a request
"id": 0,
"isCloudPhoneProxy": true,
"pageNo": 0,
"pageSize": 0,
"proxyCategoryType": 0,
"proxyIp": "",
"proxyName": "",
"proxyProviders": [],
"proxyStatus": 0,
"proxyTypes": []
Return data
"code": 0, // Return result code 0:Normal Other codes are exceptions.
"msg": "", // Error message
"data": {
"current": 0,
"dataList": [
"expiryTime": 0, //Expiration time
"id": 0, //Primary key
"proxyCategoryType": 0, //Proxy type: 1-Cloud platform 2-Owned IP
"proxyCheckStatus": 0, //Detection status: 0-pending detection 1-monitoring success 2-detection failure 3-unknown error
"proxyIp": "", //Proxy IP
"proxyName": "", //Proxy Name
"proxyProvider": 0, //Proxy Provider: default value 0 - none 4-Oxylabs 5-Proxys.io 7-Luminati 8-Lumauto 9-Oxylabsauto 10-Trojan,11-Shadowsocks 13-ABCPROXY 14-LunaProxy 15-IPHTML 16-PiaProxy 17-922S5
"proxyType": 0 //Proxy Type:0-http 1-https 2-socks5 3-ssh
"pages": 0,
"total": 0
"requestId": "", // Operation Request ID
2. Adding Proxy
Basic information
POST /api/proxyInfo/add
Interface description: Add own proxy. The MoreLogin application needs to be updated to version 2.9.0 and above.
Request Parameters
Body parameter, non-required parameters can be left out, the format of the parameter is JSON.
Parameter name | Type | Required | Description |
city | string | NO | Cty |
country | string | NO | Country (check appendix for specific country codes), proxyProvider is 16/17/18 required |
encryptionType | integer(int32) | NO | Encryption method, not null when proxyProvider is 11. 1:aes-128-gcm,2:aes-192-gcm,3:aes-256-gcm,4:aes-128-cfb,5:aes-192-cfb,6:aes-256-cfb,7:aes-128-ctr,8:aes-192-ctr,9:aes-256-ctr,10:rc4-md5,11:chacha20-ietf,12:xchacha20,13:chacha20-ietf-poly1305,14:xchacha20-ietf-poly1305 |
ipChangeAction | integer(int32) | NO | Whether to enable IP change monitoring true: on, false: off Default: off |
ipMonitor | boolean | NO | IP change monitoring 0: No access, 1: Warning |
password | string | NO | Password (up to 100 characters) |
proxyIp | string | NO | Proxy IP, proxyProvider for 16/17/18 can be empty, the other is required |
proxyName | string | NO | Proxy name (up to 600 characters) |
proxyPort | integer(int32) | NO | Proxy port (only numbers from 1-65535 are supported), proxyProvider 16/17/18 can be null, others cannot be null. |
proxyProvider | integer(int32) | NO | proxyProvider 0:http,1:https,2:socks5,3:ssh,4:Oxylabs,5:Proxys.io,7:Luminati,8:Lumauto,9:Oxylabsauto,10:Trojan,11:Shadowsocks,13:ABCPROXY,14:LunaProxy,15:IPHTML,16:PiaProxy,17:922S5,18:360Proxy |
proxyType | integer(int32) | NO | Proxy type, 0: http, 1: https, not null if proxyProvider is 7/8 |
refreshUrl | string | NO | Refresh URL |
state | string | NO | State/Province |
username | string | NO | User name (up to 200 characters) |
Example of a request
"city": "",
"country": "",
"encryptionType": 0,
"ipChangeAction": 0,
"ipMonitor": true,
"password": "",
"proxyIp": "",
"proxyName": "",
"proxyPort": 0,
"proxyProvider": 0,
"proxyType": 0,
"refreshUrl": "",
"state": "",
"username": ""
Return Data
"code": 0, // Return result code 0:Normal Other codes are exceptions.
"msg": "", // Error message
"data": [] // Cloud Phone ID
"requestId": "", // Operation Request ID
3. Modifying Proxy Information
Basic information
POST /api/proxyInfo/update
Interface description: Modify proxy related information. The MoreLogin application needs to be updated to version 2.9.0 and above.
Request Parameters
Body parameter, non-required parameters can be left out, the format of the parameter is JSON.
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
city | string | NO | City |
country | string | NO | Country (check appendix for specific country codes), proxyProvider is 16/17/18 required |
encryptionType | integer(int32) | NO | Encryption method, not null when proxyProvider is 11. 1:aes-128-gcm,2:aes-192-gcm,3:aes-256-gcm,4:aes-128-cfb,5:aes-192-cfb,6:aes-256-cfb,7:aes-128-ctr,8:aes-192-ctr,9:aes-256-ctr,10:rc4-md5,11:chacha20-ietf,12:xchacha20,13:chacha20-ietf-poly1305,14:xchacha20-ietf-poly1305 |
id | integer(int64) | YES | Proxy ID |
ipChangeAction | integer(int32) | NO | Whether to enable IP change monitoring true: on, false: off |
ipMonitor | boolean | NO | IP change monitoring 0: No access, 1: Warning |
password | string | NO | Password (up to 100 characters) |
proxyIp | string | NO | Proxy IP, proxyProvider for 16/17/18 can be empty, the other is required |
proxyName | string | NO | Proxy name (up to 600 characters) |
proxyPort | integer(int32) | NO | Proxy port (only numbers from 1-65535 are supported), proxyProvider 16/17/18 can be null, others cannot be null. |
proxyProvider | integer(int32) | NO | proxyProvider 0:http,1:https,2:socks5,3:ssh,4:Oxylabs,5:Proxys.io,7:Luminati,8:Lumauto,9:Oxylabsauto,10:Trojan,11:Shadowsocks,13:ABCPROXY,14:LunaProxy,15:IPHTML,16:PiaProxy,17:922S5,18:360Proxy |
proxyType | integer(int32) | NO | Proxy type, 0: http, 1: https, not null if proxyProvider is 7/8 |
refreshUrl | string | NO | Refresh URL |
state | string | NO | State/Province |
username | string | NO | User name (up to 200 characters) |
Example of a request
"city": "",
"country": "",
"encryptionType": 0,
"id": 0,
"ipChangeAction": 0,
"ipMonitor": true,
"password": "",
"proxyIp": "",
"proxyName": "",
"proxyPort": 0,
"proxyProvider": 0,
"proxyType": 0,
"refreshUrl": "",
"state": "",
"username": ""
Return data
"code": 0, // Return result code 0:Normal Other codes are exceptions.
"msg": "", // Error message
"requestId": "", // Operation Request ID
4. Delete proxy
Basic information
POST /api/proxyInfo/delete
Interface description: Batch delete proxies. The MoreLogin application needs to be updated to version 2.9.0 and above.
Request Parameters
Body parameter, non-required parameters can be left out, the format of the parameter is JSON.
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
ids | array | YES | Proxy IDs that need to be deleted, can be deleted in bulk (platform proxies that have not expired cannot be deleted) |
Example of a request
Return Data
"code": 0, // Return result code 0:Normal Other codes are exceptions.
"msg": "", // Error message
"requestId": "", // Operation Request ID
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