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Invite Members
Updated over a month ago

Invite Members

1. Click “Team” from the left navigation bar to enter the team section, and click “Invite Members” in the upper right corner of the interface.

2. Enter the Add Member page, fill in the mailbox, nickname, member role, authorization profile, click “Confirm”

  • Input mailbox: input the e-mail address of the member you want to invite.

  • Nickname: you can fill in the member's name or nickname.

  • Member Role: you can choose Administrator, Manager, Role.

  • Select authorization profile: you can authorize all profiles, group authorization and specified profile.

💡Note: The email must not contain any special characters. The Administrator role has all the permissions for the account. Two other roles will also be selected to assign different permissions.

3. Pay attention to the invitation confirmation information appearing in the upper right corner. If the invited members do not confirm the expiration of the invitation, you can continue to initiate the “invitation” in the member list.

4. you need to contact the members (by phone or message) and ask them to accept the invitation, the members into the mailbox to check the mail, click the invitation link

5. After entering the invitation link, click “Join Team” to invite members successfully.

6. After a new member logs into MoreLogin, The member needs to switch to your super administrator's team in the upper right corner before the member can use the profile authorized by the super administrator.

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